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Send Notifications#

Notitication Channels#

Outbound integrations communicate with external systems, such as notification tools, messaging and remote storage.

Channel Description
Discord Sends out notifications to Discord
HipChat Sends out notifications to your HipChat room
HTTP Post Sends out notifications to a HTTP endpoint
Kafka Sends out notifications to a Kafka consumer
Microsoft Teams Sends out notifications in Microsoft Teams
MQTT Sends out notifications to MQTT
OpsGenie Sends out notifications in OpsGenie
PagerDuty Sends out notifications in PagerDuty
Pushover Sends out notifications to Pushover
ServiceNow Sends out notifications to ServiceNow
Slack Sends out notifications to your Slack channel
SMTP Sends out notifications to email recipients
SNMP Traps Sends out notifications as SNMP Traps to a SNMP Trap receiver.
Telegram Sends out notifications to Telegram
VictorOps Sends out notifications in VictorOps

Notification rate limiting & silencing#

Notification Channels can be configured to limit the notification rate, and prevent a same notification to be fired in some situations.