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Backup and Restore#


All Unryo-Monitor components are containers, and all your configurations and DBs are stored in persistent container volumes. They therefore persist container upgrades.

On top of this, all the configurations are centrally stored in the Unryo Vault, which prevents loss in case of a component's failure or error.

Important configuration files#

Component Description
Metric Collector All configurations are stored encrypted in the Unryo vault. They are copied locally in the collector at /etc/telegraf/telegraf.d/
Portal /var/lib/grafana/
TimeSerie Database /var/lib/influxdb
Event Database /usr/share/opensearch/data
Analytics Engine All configurations are stored encrypted in the Unryo vault. They are copied locally in the analytics engine at /var/lib/kapacitor/load

You can backup the configuration files stored in the vault in two steps. First, list all your configuration files using the /vault/api/v1/configurations endpoint. Then, iterate through your files, calling the /vault/api/v1/configurations/$configId endpoint for each file to retrieve said file.