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How it works#

When you connect your Prometheus server(s) as data sources, Unryo queries them to discover dependencies and surface problems.

Telemetry data stays in your data source(s) and is not duplicated in Unryo (except if you want to). By doing so, Unryo acts smoothly as a correlation layer and consolidation layer (MoM approach) on top of your monitoring stack.

Connecting your Prometheus#

You can add one or multiple Prometheus as data sources, so that Unryo starts correlating and provide insights to your operation teams.

To add Prometheus as a data source, follow these steps:

  1. Go in Configuration Management > Connectors
  2. Click +
  3. Select the "Prometheus connector" template
  4. Enter the necessary settings (note: Unryo stores safely configurations and credentials encrypted in a secure vault stored on-premise in your infrastructure).

Built-in Configurations#

Once Unryo has access to your Prometheus, it looks for the key data:

  • metrics metadata, to get context and find dependencies
  • metrics value, to spot anomalies
  • events when available

This is done via configurations, that inform Unryo about the data structure of your data sources, so that it knows how to query key data and get dependencies.

The following configurations are enabled by default:

Configuration Comments
Kubernetes Topology Inspects metrics metadata to discover all Kubernetes resources (Pods, Nodes, Services, …) to determine their dependencies and status. This configuration is responsible to built and maintain the topology model that feed the correlation engine.
Prometheus Alerts Retrieve Prometheus alerts and map them into alerts in Unryo. Prometheus Kubernetes built-in alerts are mapped out-of-the-box.
Prometheus HealthCheck Monitor Prometheus reachability and global health.
Istio Discover traffic between services: request count, errors, latency.

Custom Configurations#

If you have custom metrics, or if you use a Prometheus exporter that is not supported, you can add your own topology configuration.